Contact persons
Specialists from various areas of material processing are part of the core team of H&P Trading. Every single one works conscientiously and with responsibly. If time is tight, then the team of Erwin Hochwarter works “around the clock” and deliver excellent work according to the specifications of the customer. Each task fits and Erwin Hochwarter makes sure that his team is capable and qualified and that everyone is replaceable and interchangeable. Only then the many customers from Austria and abroad can rest assured that the tight time lines are met and the product is delivered on time. But that only works if everyone is flexible enough and if also a weekend can be used to finalize work if necessary.
“At the end counts the will to perform and the commitment paired with intelligent solutions and rounded up with a fair price.”

T +49 (0) 8024 / 99 92 30
F +49 (0) 8024 / 99 92 31
M +49 (0) 177 31 43 194
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